Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism

It will be a pleasure for us to help in the process of performing your plastic surgery. Medical tourism (traveling outside your country of residence to have surgery) is safe, but it is always good to take into account various factors. Take a moment to read the following concepts, since most of your answers regarding your trip are likely to be answered in them. After reading them, I assure you that you will be in a better position to prepare your trip and perform the surgical procedure you are looking for with the best quality, at a competitive cost

The routine laboratories included are: blood count, blood glucose, urea, creatinine, AST, ALT, TP, TPT, INR, HIV, HBSAG, HVC, urine, typing, pregnancy test (if a woman). The reason why all these tests are done is to make sure that you get surgery under optimal conditions. If any of the tests come up with an abnormal result, additional tests or evaluations by specialists related to the problem may be required. These tests or additional assessments are not included in your quote. It is your responsibility to detail any medical, surgical, allergic, or toxic habit of which you have knowledge, even if you are not asked about it directly. If you have any doubt about whether any antecedent is important, better present it, and the surgeon will be able to decide if it is relevant or not. Having a complete medical history is essential to make a correct evaluation to the patient.

Generally, if you are asthmatic, or if you are an active smoker, or have smoked in the last 10 years, you will require evaluation by a pulmonologist. If you are diabetic, or have thyroid disease, you will require evaluation by an endocrinologist. Any other positive finding in your evaluation, will require the authorization of the related specialist to proceed with the surgery. Any additional evaluation by a specialist costs $ 150.

Please take into account that your safety is our main concern, and that is the reason why we are so demanding in our pre-operative evaluation. If your surgery is not authorized by the specialists that are required, we will not proceed with the surgery. If you wish, you can ask a doctor in your area to indicate the tests we require, and send them to me to assess if they are all well before leaving on a trip, but it is not mandatory. Anyway, all the tests will be done in our center when you arrive, even if you bring your own results.

When doing your pre-surgical evaluation, we asked about your weight and height to calculate your body mass index (BMI). This calculation gives us the relationship between the weight and the stature of a person. Current clinical practice guidelines indicate that a value of 35.0 is the maximum accepted for plastic surgery. Therefore, your BMI must be at 35.0 or less on the day of surgery to proceed with the procedure. If you have doubts, you can consult any online calculator, or find a smartphone application that will do the calculation for you. Search for “IMC Calculator”.

Hemoglobin is the main value that we take into account to determine the limit or extension of a surgery. As a general rule, your hemoglobin must be at a minimum of 12.0g / dL or higher to qualify for surgery. If you plan to combine two procedures, a minimum of 13.0 is recommended; and to qualify for 3 procedures you will need a minimum of 14.0. As we said, these are general rules, which must be evaluated together with the general condition of the patient. You understand that the doctor will have the last word on the amount or extent of procedures to be performed, always giving priority to your general health status to the fact of having to complete all the procedures outlined. Obviously, the plan will always be to complete everything agreed during the pre-surgical consultation.

The hemogram is the laboratory that details your hemoglobin levels. If you need a supplement (to improve hemoglobin levels that do not meet the minimum desired) you can take ferrous sulfate 325mg twice a day. You should stop it if you develop any side effects, such as diarrhea or constipation.

If you take aspirin, vitamin E or A, natural supplements or oral contraceptives, you should stop taking them at least 2 weeks before the planned date of surgery. If you take any other medication on a daily basis, please indicate it, so that we can advise you on whether to continue treatment or stop it.

If you smoke (be it cigarettes or recreational drugs, which you should detail) it is recommended that you stop smoking at least one month before the scheduled surgery date, and you should avoid smoking for at least one additional month after surgery. Depending on the results of your pre-operative evaluation, you may require hyperbaric oxygen therapy after surgery (at least 6 sessions). Additional charges would apply ($ 150 per session, transportation included).

HIV positive patients have an inadequate response to the infection. Patients with hepatitis have disorders with liver function that limit the prescription of medicines. If you test positive for HIV or Hepatitis, your surgery will be canceled. If you understand that you suffer from any of these clinical conditions, please communicate it before proceeding with your trip, so that you do not incur unnecessary expenses.

You must be in the country at least 24 hours before the scheduled time for surgery, which means that in order to be operated the day after you arrive, you must be in my office on the day of your arrival no later than noon. If your flight is late in the afternoon or in the evening, your surgery can not be done immediately. You will be taken to the clinic to do your lab tests, and prepare for surgery the next day.

We usually provide post-surgical clothing (girdles) if body contouring procedures are performed, in addition to a t-shirt to protect it. You are invited to bring light cotton clothing, or a button-down gown that is easy to put on and take off. You can bring gauze, hand towels and sanitary towels if you want, but if required, they are easily available in the country.

We can offer you a service in a recovery house, to which we are affiliated. The name is Seaview Recovery House. You can see his website at The service is offered in a shared or private room and includes: 3 meals, medical bed, cable tv, wifi internet access, telephone access, air conditioning, hot water, transportation to and from the clinic when necessary, and a Nursing staff 24/7 to assist you during your stay at home. The pick-up and drop-off at the airport costs $ 70 round trip, but if you decide to stay at the recovery house, a 10% discount is applied to the airport transportation fee for each night paid, therefore with a minimum stay of 10 nights, your transportation to the airport is free.

Remember that the quote includes a stay for one night in the clinic, but additional nights are not included. Additional nights at the clinic cost $ 250.

If you are interested in post-surgical medication, they cost an additional $ 150. The package includes antibiotics (cefadroxil or similar) for 10 days, analgesics (dexketoprofen or similar) for 7 days, gastric protector (esomeprazole or similar) for 7 days, iron pills for 15 days, LMWH (enoxaparin or similar) for 6 days antibiotic ointment (bacitracin or similar) a tube, and heparin gel for bruising (a tube). Any additional medication is charged separately.

It is recommended that you stay for at least 14 days for follow-up; but the minimum stay for most of the cases is 10 days post-surgical. Since you must arrive at least 24 hours before the date of surgery, your minimum trip must be 12 days (arrive a day before, surgery on the 2nd day, and 10 days of recovery). Make arrangements so that your return flight is not Saturday or Sunday, so you have a chance to go to the same day before traveling. After that time, you are usually able to travel, and begin light physical activity. Intense exercises should wait at least 4 weeks before restarting.

The closest airport to our clinic is the Las Americas International Airport. You can search for flights to the airport SDQ code. As mentioned, the pick up / drop off at the SDQ can be provided for $ 70 round trip, or $ 40 per trip (if you choose to reserve them separately). Other nearby airports are the International La Romana – LRM (1:30 away), Punta Cana International – PUJ (2:30 away), Internacional del Cibao, in Santiago – STI (2:30 away). If you travel through any of these alternate airports, your local currency is the Dominican Peso.The US dollars can be easily exchanged at any bank with the use of a valid passport.The electric current in the country is 110v.

Unless otherwise stated, all quoted prices are in US dollars.

The acquisition of complications insurance before the procedure is mandatory. The insurance payment is accepted only in cash. It covers any complication that requires re-admission to the clinic (including revision surgery and / or use of intensive care room if necessary) during the first 30 days after surgery. This insurance has coverage only in the Dominican Republic

The quotes are guaranteed for 6 months. If you plan to come later, please confirm with us if there has been any change in the cost.

Take into account that although we do our best to give you the result you want, there is no guarantee that any particular result can be obtained. The final results depend on several factors, among which are the individual healing capacity of each patient, as well as their body anatomy.

Thank you once again for choosing to operate with us. If you need anything else, do not hesitate to contact us. We hope to read from you soon.

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